Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The growing problem of obesity

September 16, 2010

Obesity is the fastest growing cause of disease and death in America according to the Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona. Surgeon General Carmona  states “One out of every eight deaths in America is caused by an illness directly related to overweight and obesity.” This problem is  very serious  that we Americans are not shedding enough light on. With these growing statistics we should address this problem and find a solution before obesity gets  worse.

According to Bariatric, approximately 300,000 adult deaths in America are related to unhealthy dietary habits and physical inactivity. Bariatric states that nearly two out of every three adults are overweight and obese. This problem is completely preventable and needs to be dealt with. The numbers are  going to continue to rise if we don’t start to do anything about this epidemic.

Obesity is not only a health problem, but also an expensive problem. According to Surgeon General Camano “In the year 2000, the total annual cost of obesity in the United States was $117 billion.” That is a lot of money  our nation pays which  does not help our struggling economy. Surgeon General Camano  states that excess weight has  led to people suffering from type 2 diabetes which costs America $132 billion per year.

This epidemic is not only a major health issue but a financial one as well. American’s need to realize that this is a major problem and it is time to do something preventative to stop it. Eating healthier and exercising regularly will help lower these numbers. . I know we hear people say that all the time but we need to realize how serious it is. We need to prevent this before it becomes too late. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” –Benjamin Franklin.


Carmona, Richard H. “The obesity crisis in America.” 7/16/2003. Office of the Surgeon General. Retrieved 9/15/2010. <>

“Obesity levels in America.” Bariatric 2008. Retrieved 9/15/2010.

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